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Carrie Underwood Concert

Carrie Underwood. Photo courtesy of The PR Company

30 June 2012,

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

ON 30 June, Carrie Underwood graced the Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre with an amazing live performance.

Her first ever concert in Australia was worth the wait.

Winner of American Idol 2005 and several Grammy awards, Carrie Underwood has taken the country world by storm.

Even those without a particular interest in country music are captivated by her vocals.

Carrie was supported in the show by Australian Idol winner Damien Leith, and the two meshed well together.

A highlight of the performance was when the lights dimmed for "Temporary Home".

Lyrics such as "This is my temporary home./it's not where I belong./ Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through./ This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going./ I'm not afraid because I know this is my Temporary Home" reveal her Christian inspiration, as do song titles such as "Jesus Takes the Wheel".

Unfortunately Carrie was ill-served by a lack of audience enthusiasm and energy.

For those seated in middle and back the lights became blinding and distracting at times, giving the impression more of a light show than a live performance.

But although the sound was also a bit poor in certain sections, Carrie's fantastic supporting band powered through.

Overall, Carrie shone and she has certainly gained atleast one new fan!

Here's hoping she returns to Australia again soon.

Photo : Carrie Underwood. Photo courtesy of The PR Company