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Daring to do what is right: The story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Religious and Moral Education Press, 2008
RRP $16.95

Reviewed by Don Whebell.

In 24 pages, Terence Copley gives us the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, whose legacy of witness to Christ has been one of the great treasures of the Christian faith during and since World War II.
Bonhoeffer’s story is well known through his books, letters and papers written in his prison cell, leadership in the Christian opposition to Hitler, the biographies and films of his life and witness, his role in what became the World Council of Churches, and much more.
Mr Copley’s book gives us all this in a crisp, clear way.
Daring to do what is right is written for children and young people, which means that it is very accessible for oldies like me too!
Along the way there are discussion-starters for groups to relate Bonhoeffer’s story and witness to living as Christians today.
The political setting of Bonhoeffer’s life and times is clearly described.
Daring to do what is right gives 10 ‘Things to do’ as readers and groups reflect on Bonhoeffer’s life and faith. The sketch-illustrations are just great. There are also notes for teachers using the book with groups.
Daring to do what is right is in the Faith in Action book series: short, simply written illustrated biographies of people who have lived and acted according to their faith.