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Dinner With a Perfect Stranger: An Invitation Worth Considering

Dinner With a Perfect Stranger: An Invitation Worth Considering
By David Gregory
Hodder & Stoughton
RRP $14.95

Dinner With a Perfect Stranger: An Invitation Worth Considering is a winner.

It’s relatively short, easy to read, no big words, thought provoking and leaves the reader with questions for self examination. It certainly packs a punch. The title got me in from the minute I saw it! Who would have dinner with any stranger unaccompanied? Is there a “perfect” stranger? I turned to the back cover and read these words, “Pull up a chair and eavesdrop on this provocative conversation.”

Imagine having dinner and a conversation with Jesus of Nazareth in an up-market restaurant!

Imagine being so taken by this person’s interest in you (over a meal) that you cannot help but stay in his presence and ask all sorts of curly questions and be even more astonished by the straight answers!

I found myself immersed totally in the dialogue. Indeed there were times when I thought I was sharing the meal! Jesus’ responses to his guest Nick’s questions about other religions, family and work life and the balancing act we all play, the huge gap between God and humanity and his grace offering, are wound together beautifully in a natural restaurant scene complete with waiters and onlookers.

Dinner With a Perfect Stranger ends leaving the reader as curious as at the start. There is no miraculous “saving” of Nick. He is left to go home to his wife having had the meal of his life as Jesus walks into the night air. This ending is the book’s major strength. Gregory doesn’t assume any results and nor should he, as I am sure his intent is that we substitute our name for Nick’s!

While a good read for church people the real value of this book is as a gift and discussion starter to people on the fringe of our churches; the ones who are not yet convinced about their place in God’s community.

Dave Thomas is Community Minister at the Tallebudgera congregation on the Gold Coast