Here’s a handy list for those considering a call to a specified ministry in the Uniting Church.

You’re hooked on Christian education and you’ve run out of lay courses
Many ministry candidates report that the hunger for knowledge and understanding that led them to explore theology was their first step. Talk to Trinity College Queensland at about what’s next.
You take notes during sermons
If you’ve got a yen to connect with people’s hearts and minds have a read of Matthew 23. It reminds us that God sends prophets, sages and teachers. If that’s you, get moving.
You know that God’s grace is the only reason you’re still whole
The most effective ministers are often those whose challenging or even heartbreaking experiences have transformed their lives into powerful messages of hope and redemption. Being invincible is not part of the job description.
Once you enter a Period of Discernment, you feel a sense of peace
“I felt my heart strangely warmed,” wrote John Wesley when he opened his heart to God’s call. If the path appears before you, forge ahead.
You want to spend your life cloistered in prayer and contemplation
You might consider changing denomination if this is your heart’s desire. Be prepared to give up a few things to meet your goal.
You take notes during sermons (and provide a score out of 10)
The desire to share your gifts (and the urge to ask questions during the sermon) can be authentic signs that you should put your hand up to serve, but keep in mind that hubris is not considered a mark of leadership in the Uniting Church.
You know that a dog collar and a long white outfit will provide authority (and take kilos off your silhouette)
If your passionate theological pronouncements are falling on unreceptive ears, head straight to Trinity College Queensland and do some real exegesis. And use the stairs; you clearly need the exercise.
You want to play golf on Mondays
As if.