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In the River they Swim: Essays from around the World on Enterprise Solutions to Poverty

Templeton Press, 2009
RRP $47.95
Reviewed by Karyl Davison, Rural Ministry Coordinator for the Central Queensland and Mary Burnett Presbyteries

The abiding memory most of us have of Rwanda is of the terrible inter-ethnic violence beamed across our TV screens, when it is thought 800,000 people lost their lives, 15 years ago.
Now with strong government backing, Rwanda is working hard to transform itself from an agrarian based economy to a middle income, knowledge economy “where African businesses succeed, and lives, communities and countries are transformed”.
This book taps into the experiences and deepest reflections of leaders in their fields to find creative ways to solve one of the world’s biggest challenges – creating wealth and fostering self sufficiency among the world’s poorest people.
In the River they Swim is not reflection at a distance.
Each of the essayists has “swum in the river” themselves resulting in personal and moving stories of their experiences as they seek to make a real difference.
In Kenneth Hynes’ essay Waiting for Mr Anderson, we hear of a couple of Jamaican farmers waiting for the buyer, Mr Anderson, to return to buy their crop of dasheen.
Mr Anderson never did return and what dasheen did not rot in the ground was bought for a song. They never did know why they had lost Mr Anderson’s business.

In the River they Swim will inspire, through the stories of people and their fight for survival, and overwhelm, as you grasp the enormity of the problem.

Thanks to Rainbow Book, Journey has one copy of In the River they Swim to give away. Simply email your name and address to journey@ucaqld.com.au and tell us who wrote the foreword.