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InterActive Faith: The essential interreligious community building handbook

SkyLight Paths Publishing, 2008
RRP $49.95

Reviewed by Karyl Davison.

Did you know that Jews first came to Australia aboard the First Fleet and that Muslim fishermen and traders from eastern Indonesia visited what is now mainland Australia as far back as the 16th century?

Not forgetting Indigenous Australian’s faith systems, Australia has been multi-faith since white settlement in 1788.

But with the proportion of non-Christian religious belief in Australia growing, this book is very timely.

InterActive Faith is a comprehensive resource for building community between people of different faiths.

It offers a multitude of approaches to engage in interreligious dialogue and cooperation such as through spoken dialogue, the sharing of worship and prayer services, service projects and advocacy.

It also includes suggestions and guidance for creating interfaith ceremonies and services.

It addresses some of the deeper issues of what is interfaith dialogue and why engaging in it is so important.

It also includes, very helpfully, a brief overview of different faith traditions, a comprehensive list of resources and a list of interfaith organisations on the web.

InterActive Faith is a very practical resource for anyone wanting genuine engagement with people from different religious backgrounds.