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Jac of Hearts

Wombat Books,

2012, RRP $17.95

Reviewed by Wendy Scott, Kenmore Uniting Church

JAC is a feisty 17-year-old Christian Queenslander in her final year of school, whose mother died five years previously.

After a car crash that kills her father, Jac awakens from a coma.

And this is all in just the first few pages.

Set in Queensland with very believable characters, this young adult romance traverses intrigue, conspiracy, scientific fraud, attempted murder, abduction, genetic engineering, computer hacking and high-school politics.

There are morals presented here for the young adult readership, and how to protect yourself, as well as what a Christian courtship should be.

The novel is compassionate without being a tear-jerker.

Teenage girls will love it, and the boys could read it to find out how girls tick and to enjoy the action that drives the romance plot.

A great read.