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King of Christmas

King of Christmas
By Colin Buchanan
Music CD
RRP $24.95

This album is another great kid’s Christian album from one of Australia’s premier performing artists. Following on in the theme of what is Christmas all about Colin takes you through some great new songs on this disc that are upbeat and fun as well as having a strong Christian message about the true meaning of Christmas.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that this is another kid’s “carols” album. Colin has penned some great tunes that celebrate the arrival of Jesus and is not afraid to sing loud about it.

He takes on a couple of different characters whilst performing this album and the entire CD is great listening for even the toughest critic. This album is perfect for the kids (or even the teenager, young adult or adult in your family) for Christmas. It’s a double CD with disc 2 packed full of extras (on enhanced CD) including colouring in sheets, lyrics, music and even the famous “Aussie Christmas” from the bucko and champs album. A great listen that I still can’t get enough of.