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Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God

IVP Books,
RRP $28.95

Reviewed by Karyl Davison.

AS MEMBERS of Western society, most of us live under the influence of a number of seasons: the end of the financial year, school terms, tourist high seasons and let’s not forget the natural seasons.

Most major religions are marked by seasons.

For Jews think Passover, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.

For Muslims there are Ramadan and the Hajj.

Like many Protestant Christians I grew up unaware of the Christian church’s seasons.

Thanks largely to the Reformation, many Protestant churches had discarded the observance of the liturgical calendar so central to Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions.

Much has changed and most Uniting Churches now follow the Revised Common Lectionary based around the Christian calendar.

Living the Christian Year will guide you through the seasons of the Christian calendar connecting you more, not only with Jesus’ life, but also with faithful Christians across the ages.

The first chapter gives an outline of the calendar under two main cycles: the Cycle of Light and the Cycle of Life.

Each subsequent chapter includes devotional material appropriate to each season – in all there are 59 units of material.

In each the theme for the week is introduced, followed by opening prayers.

A selection of readings is followed by a brief commentary and a question or two for reflection, and a practical way to respond.

Finally a closing prayer is provided.

Living the Christian Year
is a good resource to focus one’s prayer life around the liturgical calendar, and to apply the
teachings and readings from the liturgical calendar and scripture to our daily lives.

It would also be a great resource for small groups.