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No Room at the Table: Earth’s Most Vulnerable Children

Orbis Books
R.R.P $27.95

No Room at the Table provides an insight into the many situations that children around the world find themselves in because of their social and economic status.

This book looks at many of the issues faced by children in the developing world such as; Child Soldiers, Human Trafficking/Prostitution, Child Labour, homelessness, Hunger, Refugees and AIDS and Preventable Disease.

The impact of each chapter is increased by the use of personal stories and accounts and certainly highlights why children would feel that there is no room at the table. There is no doubt that this book encounters the lives of the earth’s most vulnerable children.

The message of all of humanity being created in the image of God is clear throughout, with the opening line suggesting “every human face is an epiphany.”

No Room at the Table is very reader friendly although is emotionally thought provoking. Each chapter is presented quite methodically; situation, personal account/story, what is happening to support and overcome.

At the end of each chapter there are notes which recognize the source of information gathered; however, I feel that a list of web sites, organizations, etc would have been of great benefit. While many people have some awareness of the issues raised they may not have any knowledge of where to go to support or get ideas to raise awareness or gather further insight and information.

No Room at the Table concludes with a challenge and presents “acts of solidarity, actions” that people could do – again this could have contained further resource information.

Reviewed by Sue Pickering Intern Minister in Brisbane