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Paws for Thought: Zebras to Aardvarks

Boolarong Press, 2010

RRP $12.50

Reviewed by Paul Clark.

What a delightful little book! Ruth M. Tracey shares with us some of the many insights that have come to her through the animal kingdom, working backwards through the alphabet from the Zebra to the Aardvark.

What should you never do for baby turtles?

How do Zebra’s recognise their mothers when they all look the same?

How did the flightless rail bird cross 75kms of open ocean to return home?

You’ll learn the answers to these and other questions and what they reveal to us about the nature of the Creator.

Ms Tracey began her life in England and ended up in exotic Australia, so her animal experience includes both the Jabiru and the inchworm.

She also recounts a few Aboriginal and ancient tales along the way.

A resource that would be good as an inspirational for individuals and families (where parents could explain some of the bigger words and ideas to the children) and excellent in the setting where Ruth did much of her work – nursing homes.

As an Australian author I know how hard it is to get local content recognised, so I’d encourage you to get behind this book, not simply because Ms Tracey is a Queensland, Uniting Church author, but because it’s a great little book that many people will appreciate.

Proceeds from this book will also support the work of Blue Care, the Wesley Hospital and Teen Challenge.