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Rituals for Life, Love & Loss: Prayers and meditations for marriage, birthdays, baby naming, loss and grief

Jane Curry Publishing, 2010
RRP $24.95

Reviewed by Karyl Davison.

FIRST published in 2003, this book is a must have for ministry agents, indeed anyone who wishes to help the people around them through the common celebrations and losses of life.

We often need to create a symbol or symbolic act to move, against the odds, into hopefulness and healing.

Who can forget the action of then Governor General, Sir William Deane, of tying yellow ribbons to a tree at Government House for imprisoned international aid workers during the war in Kosovo?

Rituals for Life, Loss & Love is a collection of rituals and meditations developed for a range of rites of passages and happenings in everyday life.

There are rituals to bless a home, on the birth of a child, and when you have a child with a disability.

There is a ritual to help a person forgive themselves, one for the ending of a pregnancy, another for survivors of sexual abuse.

And finally there are rituals for grieving – for those experiencing miscarriage, when there is a missing person, for those grieving a suicide.

The language is very appropriate for people not necessarily used to the language of the church making these prayers and meditations very useful for people regardless of their faith.

Rituals for Life, Loss & Love is an excellent resource.