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Saving Sport: Sport, Society and Spirituality

Kevin O’Gorman
The Columbia Press, 2010
RRP $35.95

Reviewed by John Ruhle

Being a self confessed sports nut I thought this would be a great book for me.

I am not quite sure what I was hoping to get out of the book but I do know that I was disappointed.

Saving Sport is a well researched kaleidoscope of religious thought, language and theology mixed with well known sporting results, personalities and media headlines.

I can see where the book was trying to come from but I am not sure that it really went anywhere.

There is an enjoyable exploration of the use of sporting language by St Paul the Apostle and also Pope John Paul II which is then followed by numerous media examples of the use of religious language in sport in the modern culture.

Being an ordained minister, a theologian and a sports nut I thought this book would be great for me and seeing as it wasn’t I am not suite sure who would find this as a valuable read.