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The Cast of the Kingdom – Biblical characters who model faith

Canterbury Press, 2008
RRP $19.95
Reviewed by Jan Bryde, a home group leader and member of the Tully Uniting Church.
The Cast of the Kingdom
is a study for Lent. The 47 days are numbered beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter Sunday.
Each day begins with a Bible reading accompanied by an insight from one of the contributors.
Each day focuses on a virtue or character trait highlighted by a biblical character.
Some of the characters used are well known such as Mary,mother of Jesus, John the Baptist and Jonah.
Others are not so often studied such as Mrs Zebedee, Naaman’s slave girl and Benaiah.
Each of the insights is personalised and written in an easy to understand format.
The reader can associate with both the biblical character and the application to our lives today.
The personal touch helps the reader see that we can apply these virtues to our own lives.
There is also a challenge to the reader to look at their own life to see how they are applying this virtue.
It is a good challenge for Lent as we often think about what we give up and through this study we could look at what we need to take up or perhaps refine in our own lives.
Each study was very thought provoking and short so that it was not a lot of reading each day.
The Cast of the Kingdom is a wonderful tool for Lent, however could be used at any time of the year as a personal challenge.