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The Irresistible Revolution

The Irresistible Revolution
By Shane Claiborne
RRP $14.95

I was immediately drawn in by the provocative title of Shane Claiborne’s compelling and challenging book and.

Claiborne is a founding member of an Intentional Christian Community called The Simple Way (www.thesimpleway.org) in Philadelphia, USA.

In his 30s, Claiborne has studied under Tony Campolo and others at Eastern University and served as an intern at Willow Creek.

He travelled to Iraq as a peacemaker while the bombs were falling, has been arrested countless times and challenges the church to wake up from its comfortable slumber.

Claiborne dares to believe that the kingdom or reign of God can be ushered in as ‘ordinary radicals’ dare to take Jesus at his word and follow him in a revolution of ordinary acts of love.

He advocates that the Bible needs to be acted as much as it needs to be believed.

Claiborne loves the church enough to prophetically call it to step out beyond its wall and work with others for justice.

This is a book marked by passion, humility and love of God which has and will continue to challenge me.

Stuart Cameron is Lead Pastor at Robina Uniting Church, Gold Coast