Jossey-Bass, 2009
RRP $32.95
THIS IS the 85th edition of The Minister’s Manual 2010 – The Minister’s Complete Sourcebook. In that time you would imagine that they have learned a thing or two and you would be right.
Following the Revised Common Lectionary for 2010 the book provides resources for the sermon, children’s message and worship aids (call to worship and prayers etc) for each Sunday of the year. In theory someone could grab this book and use the resources available and be able to lead an entire service. This doesn’t touch on issues of relevance and context for each individual setting but it does provide a ‘complete sourcebook’ as the cover suggests.
The easy to navigate CD-ROM that has been included with the book provides the entire contents of the book which can then be easily cut and paste into documents to allow the user to pick and choose what they would like to use.
The book is very readable, easy to navigate and goes to show that over a process of 85 years the editors and publishers have indeed learnt a thing or two and have put together a manual that is worthy of the title.
Being a bit tardy in getting my book review done for the 2010 edition of the manual may mean that there is limited value in this years edition, however this reasonably priced book will be one to look out for when the 86th, 2011 edition is released.