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The Think Tank: 100 adaptable discussion starters to get teens talking

Monarch Books, 2010
RRP $24.99

Rev Tim Griggs is the Youth and Families Resource Minister for Mary Burnett Presbytery and is passionate about ministry with young people.

THE THINK Tank will certainly get youth and their leaders thinking about the 195 topics covered in this book from ecology to using our talents, cyber-bullying to toxic relationships and justice fatigue.

This book provides a great topical table of contents and excellent index, however I wish it had a biblical index.

The Think Tank is a resource that helps youth experience the fantastic narrative of the Scriptures.

It does this by connecting true and fictional stories with biblical stories and their themes.

It particularly focuses on the beliefs, character and ethics within these stories.

The Think Tank could be used in youth ministry in a church or school context.

However, like any similar resource, it does require some adaptation and contextualisation.

Stories have real power to impact and change attitudes and behaviours so while this book provides great stories, personalised stories are always more powerful.

I believe for a fruitful discussion you need to have two to four great questions.

Mr Saunders (editor of Youthwork magazine) provides these in this book.

With a resource such as this, it is really helpful for leaders to know their young people and the issues and questions they face.

Some topics will require sensitivity and may also require parental approval.

I recommend this to anybody who leads discussions with teenagers especially youth group leaders, Sunday school teachers, RE teachers, and high school chaplains.

The Think Tank is another simple and inspiring resource from Mr Saunders.