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Unseen Footprints: Encountering the Divine Along the Journey of Life

Unseen Footprints: Encountering the Divine Along the Journey of Life
By Sheridan Voysey
Scripture Union Spirituality
RRP $19.95

As Scripture Union’s latest evangelistic publication for 20 to 30 somethings, Unseen Footprints by Sheridan Voysey ambles well around Gen X-Y geography.

 This book is more a journey than an answer, more an invitation into relationship with the author, than an adroit presentation of his views. Still, his strolling style is far from superficial. Voysey uncovers and asks many of the tough and relevant questions: What if God existed and who might God be? How come design, beauty and order exist in the cosmos? Why is there so much pain? What is my purpose? Who am I? These form the substructure of his work – a rambling apologetic really – through which he seeks to open our eyes to the often “unseen footprints” of God in the experience of life and the world around us.

And open our eyes he does. Voysey’s combination of personal tales, real life anecdotes, fictional stories and questioning prose make for a reflective journey. We glimpse the winsome whisper of the authentic God who calls us and spot the transforming power of divine encounters with the God of love. We discover the soul-stretching terrain of dark seasons and doubt. We spy the hidden treasures of abundant life birthed in a surrendered heart.

And we behold the journey’s destination – a life lived with God in heavenly perspective. Unseen Footprints is a refreshingly honest read capturing well the mood of spirituality in the midst of life’s ins and outs today.

Perhaps this contemporary feel is as much an aesthetic achievement as a written one. The layout is non-conventional and creative, text interspersed with images and space. Every so often quotes appear, some nestled amongst text, others lonesome and provocative. Comedians and songwriters, authors and talkshow hosts, mystics and theologians – each offer a line.

If its head hang-ups you’re struggling with, then get Josh McDowell’s latest volume. Unseen Footprints is unabashedly one for the heart.