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Watching for the Kingfisher: Poems and Prayers

By Ann Lewin
Canterbury Press, 2009
RRP $27.95

Reviewed by Barbara Bailey.

This enlarged edition of Ann Lewin’s book bearing the title of her most loved poem, Watching for the Kingfisher is significant in its simplicity, using an economy of well chosen, meaningful words which I believe earns her the title of wordsmith.

Though refreshingly simple, her messages have astounding spiritual depth as she shares her insights from nature, the daily routine of life and her faith.

She suggests prayer and poetry are like watching for the kingfisher or other birds.

There is the waiting, the expectation, the patience needed, the time for reflection, the acknowledgement of times and the seasons, and the joy of discovery.

Both prayer and poetry recognise that silence exists alongside sound, and space takes the perceptive person to a place beyond words where he can experience the rhythm of life and discover the many facets of truth.

In those spaces are opportunities to experience fresh light and shade that colour our reality and bring flashes of wisdom to daily living.

As she leads the reader to a place that touches both the inner and outer world, Ms Lewin kindles the imagination showing how this contemplation and desire expresses wonder and delight and often an assurance that God has been there in the midst of the being and the waiting.

There are no chapters to this 132 page book but there are fresh perspectives to living and the Gospel stories.

It is easy to understand that Ms Lewin has been a teacher of Religious Education and English, a Welfare Advisor to university students and has tutored ordinands.

Watching for the Kingfisher comes highly recommended for anyone seeking deeper spiritual truth.