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Wildflower Journey Prayers

Publisher: David Lovell Publishing
RRP: 24.95

Jacinta Shailer, a Sister of the Good Samaritan, is a writer of poetry and prayers and a photographer. This beautiful book, her third, contains prayers, poems and meditations written by Jacinta and other Australian authors (including Noel Davis) and is illustrated with Jacinta’s photographs.

The book follows through 7 days, with each day split into morning and night prayer times. Jacinta had previously written journey prayer books for trips shared with others. This is reflected in the writing and format of this particular book. Some may find this format strange and it is easy to imagine taking up many of the prayers waking up to a morning in the desert or by the campfire at night. However, I can see how this could also be used in the city, within one’s everyday life, as an opportunity to travel with God in a new way.

I first met Jacinta many years ago at the Blue Mountain retreat house where she is the director. I went there for a photography workshop and was encouraged by this woman’s deep passion for the Australian bush and her desire to see the unique Australian landscape reflected in our expression of Spirituality, in our conversations with God. Her photography shows her connection with God and ‘the bush’ and her love for both. Jacinta’s book is a beautiful way of slowing down, and entering into the heart of God, the Creator.

Mel Perkins (Chaplain – Aspley Early Childhood Education Centre, Minister Intern)