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Work, for God’s Sake; Christian ethics in the workplace

Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd, 2010

RRP; $34.95

Michelle Cook is in Cape York Patrol and St Luke’s Weipa and is interested in helping members of her congregation see their work as part of their own ministry.

This book provides a thought provoking introduction to the struggles in the West to integrate Christian living with paid employment.

Author Esther Reed explores the biblical concept of work from Genesis and “work as a curse” to Revelation and “will there be work in heaven?”

She usefully summarises different theological reflections on the concept of work and vocation and uses this as an introduction to the current context of work in late capitalism.

Probably the most engaging part of the book is when the author analyses workers’ rights movements from the perspective of the resurrection and applies the good news not only to personal salvation aimed at heaven but to kingdom of God building here on earth.

Also enlightening was her analysis of vocation and the differences between work as vocation and work as supporting a vocation.

Work, for God’s Sake: Christian Ethics in the Workplace is generally well written and is relatively easy to read.

I have used it as a theological base for a sermon series on the Beattitudes at Work that we are doing in the second half of the year.