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A pastoral letter from the Moderator regarding the 26th Synod

Moderator of the Queensland Synod Rev Dr David Pitman

Dear friends in Christ,

The 26th Synod of the Uniting Church in Queensland concluded on Tuesday of this week. We enjoyed great fellowship, inspiring worship, a wonderful Synod celebration marking the 30th anniversary of our Church, and the generous hospitality of the Alexandra Park staff.

The Synod received a number of major reports relating to the future of Theological Education, the roles and functions of the Synod Office, the development of multi-cross cultural ministry, and the work of the Chaplaincy Commission. Decisions made in relation to these reports will have a significant influence on our ministry and mission into the future. In this regard we have just participated in a very significant Synod.

The meeting of Synod enabled us, once again, to hear exciting stories of what is happening in many different parts of the Church. These were an encouragement to us all. There is much for which to thank God. Extensive reports, photos and sound recordings from the Synod can be readily accessed via the Journey Online website.

One of the responsibilities of this Synod was to appoint a new General Secretary. The Synod did not confirm the nominee of the Selection Committee and, as a result, we had to spend some time in determining how we would proceed. It was resolved that the Council of Synod would meet as soon as possible to appoint a new Search Committee, which will be charged with the responsibility of taking two names to a Special Synod, to be convened as soon as the Search Committee has completed its work.

We seek your prayers for this very important process and for the ongoing life and witness of the Uniting Church. Please uphold those newly elected to give leadership amongst us: the Moderator-Elect, the Rev Bruce Johnson, the Synod Leadership Team and Council of Synod, the Finance, Investment and Property Board, and all our various Commissions and Committees.

May you continue to find joy in serving Christ.

Grace and peace

Rev Dr David Pitman

Photo : Moderator of the Queensland Synod Rev Dr David Pitman