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Leaving Toa’s legacy

President of the Conference of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga Rev Dr ‘Ahio (left), Judith Finau and Sia’atoutai Theological College Principal Dr Mohenoa Puloka. Photo by Judy Morrison
IT WAS A deeply emotional time for Judith Finau when on 18 June she stood in the John and Charles Wesley hall at the Sia’atoutai Theological College in Tonga to donate the library of her late husband Rev Dr Samiuela Toa Finau.

She and Mr Finau had worked there before they went to Fiji and many memories flooded back as she shared some of their experiences.

The occasion was the graduation of the Kolotapu students who were completing their one-year internship prior to ordination.

Ms Finau presented Mr Finau’s library as a gift to the College for the benefit of the many students who pass through its doors.

Quite a scholar, Mr Finau had collected theological texts from his study and work throughout the Pacific, America and Australia.

Since his death in 2007 Ms Finau has carefully sorted Mr Finau’s books and had them shipped to Tonga.

She was accompanied to the ceremony by her daughter, Petunia.

The boxes of books stood proudly at the front of the stage and were received by the President of the Conference of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga, Rev Dr ‘Ahio, and the College Principal, Dr Mohenoa Puloka.

Following the ceremony there was much singing, dancing and reminiscing.

Photo : President of the Conference of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga Rev Dr ‘Ahio (left), Judith Finau and Sia’atoutai Theological College Principal Dr Mohenoa Puloka. Photo by Judy Morrison