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School packs for the Solomons

Solomon Islands Children from Koleasi village have few resources
Things are tough in the Solomon Islands. While the half million inhabitants don’t lack food or shelter, recent conflicts have made the country unstable and interrupted education, services and business.

Few children complete primary school, education services have been seriously disrupted, education facilities are deficient and instructional materials are non-existent in most schools.

School Packs for the Solomons is a campaign designed to allow Queenslanders to provide educational resources for children in the Solomons and to do something tangible for our Pacific neighbour churches

Coordinator of the campaign in Queensland, Heather den Houting, is enthusiastic about the opportunities the campaign will bring.

“The United Church in Solomon Islands is managing a large number of primary and secondary schools, particularly in the Western Province.

“The Uniting Church in Australia has strong links with the church there, and is only too happy to help equip young people in their education,” said Ms den Houting.

“Individuals or groups can buy a backpack from the International Mission office of the Queensland Synod for a nominal cost, and fill the backpack with a set list of school materials such as exercise books, pencils, ruler, eraser, scrapbooks and t-shirt.

“The initial charge for the backpacks will be used to pay for the packs and the transport costs to the Solomons.”

The campaign is set to start in December 2005, with an expected delivery date in the Solomons in March 2006, just after the beginning of the new school year.

“This means that people can pick up basic school resources very cheaply in shops during the back to school sales,” Ms den Houting said.

Ms den Houting is looking for volunteers to assist with the program and a friendly church that would be willing to store the backpacks as they are collected. Please contact her on 07 3377 9805, or email: heatherdh@uccentre.ucaqld.com.au.

A copy of brochure can be downloaded in PDF format.

Photo : Solomon Islands Children from Koleasi village have few resources