Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Like me you will have been following the news reports about the devastation caused by the flooding across many towns in Queensland.
I have tried to keep informed about what is happening in those places where we have Uniting Church people.
I have been greatly impressed with the way people from our churches are offering their skills and leadership in their respective communities.
Their actions epitomise the desire of our Church to be “acting with love” “living with hope” and “witnessing in faith”.
I want to thank and congratulate all who have been working so hard to express the love of Christ in these difficult situations.
I would like to encourage all in our Church to pray for the many people whose lives have been shattered through this situation.
For some this will have been the second time in two years.
Please remember the farming community who were looking towards good harvests and now have seen their crops destroyed.
Remember the grazing families who will have lost stock and many hundreds of kms of fencing.
Even the mining communities have been impacted as many mines are flooded and therefore have closed until they can be drained and mining re-commence.
Pray for the many emergency services personnel and community support workers who have given generously of themselves to support and care for thousands of individuals and families.
I have been in touch with Lifeline who have counsellors active in every flooded community and are doing a wonderful job as they play their part in the national disaster recovery program.
Please pray for them and if you have the chance let them know you appreciate their work.
Many people have contacted the Synod Office offering help and financial support.
There are a number of ways that this can happen.
• Donate to The Uniting Church in Australia’s Flood Appeal.
To donate online click here, via phone at (07) 3250 1840 or post cheques to:
Uniting Church Flood Appeal
C/o- Lifeline Community Care Queensland
PO Box 491
Fortitude Valley
QLD 4006
• There is no immediate need for second hand goods, however you can make any such donations to your local Lifeline Shop.
• If you want to provide personal help in clean-up email me and when such help is requested we can contact you.
This help needs careful organisation as the devastated communities are not really in a position to provide accommodation and hospitality.
This help will be needed for some weeks.
My email address is
I am sure that as we stand together and give support to those who need love and care, we will find a strengthening of faith and enriching of communities.
May you all know the presence of God with you.
Grace and Peace
Rev Bruce Johnson
Moderator Qld Synod.