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Calling fans of musical theatre

THE CALL is a new musical written and directed by Tony Pitman.

Journey readers may have last seen Mr Pitman’s work performed at the 2006 Assembly meeting, when Chris and Sue Chapman performed DA inVINCIble Code.

Music is directed by Rev David MacGregor, whose music will already be familiar to many.

Mr MacGregor has also written five of the songs for the musical, sharing the responsibility with songwriters Naomi Matheson, Scott McClement and Eric Woodrow.

The style of the music is eclectic, seamlessly joining styles such as ragtime, rock, adult contemporary, techno and country.

The musical’s story leaps between two troubled communities: Third Monkey Inc, a phone helpline (which embraces Polonius’ philosophy to the extreme), and their clients, who daily unload their fears to the anonymous, completely silent operators.

The Call runs from 4-13 September at Indooroopilly Uniting Church.

For more information visit www.thecallmusical.com