GROUPS ALL over the State have been participating in Together on the way, enriching community workshops with a view to developing a statement of purpose and values as part of the process of discerning the future vision for the Uniting Church in Queensland.
North Queensland Presbytery Minister and Chairperson Rev Bruce Cornish said the Presbytery Leadership Team had worked through the process and submitted its responses.
“We spent two hours going through the process with the ministers and representatives from the congregations with the view to each of them following it through in their ministry setting,” said Mr Cornish.
The Together on the way, enriching community process is seeking to engage people from across the whole Church in Queensland to become a grassroots development through that engagement.
This engagement is important if the whole Church is going to identify a common purpose and vision and work towards its expression over the coming decade.
Workshops have been conducted in each Presbytery, but more participation is encouraged.
Rev Leva Pat helped lead a workshop for the Multi Cross Cultural Network’s congregation leaders and members which led to the creation of a special section of the Synod website that links to resources, including the Basis of Union, in different languages.
Elaine Rae has led a workshop with representatives from Uniting Church schools who are keen to explore what it means to be a Uniting Church school.
If you would like to be involved contact your minister or Presbytery minister and ask someone who has done a workshop to run one for your congregation or group.
Moderator Rev Bruce Johnson would like Uniting Churches throughout Queensland to put aside Sunday 20 June as a special Sunday of worship and prayer for the Together on the way, enriching community journey and the future of the Church in Queensland.
Closer to the date there will be worship resources available online for use on that day.
For more information and workshop materials click here.
Photo : Joshua Blake shares his vision for the Church at a workshop at Logan Central Multicultural Congregation. Photo by Leva Pat