THE Downs Presbytery marked the retirement of their long standing secretary, Mrs Jean Dodd, in April.
Wilma Proudlock of Pittsworth Uniting Church said there were probably few members of Presbytery who could remember a time when Mrs Dodd wasn’t Secretary of Presbytery.
"We acknowledge the enormous contribution Jean has made to the life of the Presbytery," she said.
"Not only has she been secretary to the Presbytery itself, but also for the Standing Committee and the PRC.
"So much of the work of a secretary is not seen.
Everything comes to us by email now, but for years all those reports and minutes had to be photocopied, collated, boxed and delivered to Presbytery meetings.
"When members travel by bus to Charleville or Cunnamulla, it is Jean who organises all the transport, information for host parishes about attendance and meals, lists that they can check off with minimal effort, chasing up late registrations and reports not written, all done with maximum efficiency and a minimum of fuss.
"Jean has been incredibly loyal in her attendance at Presbytery meetings, sometimes at considerable cost to herself.
She has attended inductions, taken part in parish consultations and supported a number of Presbytery chairpersons in their relationships with congregations.
She has represented the Presbytery at Synod meetings over many years.
"We give thanks to God for the way in which Jean has responded to his call on her life.
"Jean has certainly used, to the full, her God-given gift for administration in this service to the Downs Presbytery and the wider reaches of the body of Christ."
Photo : Jean Dodd and Downs Presbytery Minister, Sharon Kirk, at the celebration. Photo by Karen Dunmill