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Feeding body and soul

Rev Paddi Mullan and congregation cut the cake at the first anniversary of Macedonian Ministry. Photo courtesy of Kangaroo Point Uniting Church

In July, Kangaroo Point Uniting Church celebrated the first anniversary of Macedonian Ministry.

Minister Rev Paddi Mullan says that through this ministry, 20 members of the inner-city Brisbane congregation feed up to 40 people every week.

“After much prayer and time set aside seeking to discern the voice of the spirit, we felt we would try and develop a community meal that would reach out to the folk in and around the Kangaroo Point area.

“We call ourselves ‘Macedonians’, which reflects the comment in Paul’s Second Letter to the church at Corinth where he referred to the faithful support of the Macedonian Christians for the church in Jerusalem. Supporting those without: 2 Cor 8:1-6.”

Initially, the food was paid for by Kangaroo Point Uniting Church but as the ministry grew the congregation struggled to fund it.

“Thankfully in an answer to prayer Oz Harvest (through Wesley Mission Brisbane) came in and it is they who now provide the food,” he says.

“Oz Harvest has proven to be a great friend and support in this ministry.

“We’re just going to continue to trust God the Holy Spirit. As he gives us the challenges for mission we will take them.

“We are blessed over and over by the folk who come along and share their stories and in a sense reach out to us.

“These folk have become our friends,” he says.

Mr Mullan also gives thanks as Macedonian Ministry has helped strengthen the Kangaroo Point congregation and helped them to see beyond themselves.

“Many come expecting there to be conditions for receiving the meal.

“We have none. The only question we ask is, ‘Are you hungry?’

“It is a privilege to serve the community and for the opportunity we give Him the praise.

Photo : Rev Paddi Mullan and congregation cut the cake at the first anniversary of Macedonian Ministry. Photo courtesy of Kangaroo Point Uniting Church