Home > Local Church News > James Haire to speak at the Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

James Haire to speak at the Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

Four years ago the Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Campbell Newman, instituted an annual “prayer breakfast” for churches in Brisbane. QCT and several of its member churches are represented on the steering committee. The event has broad denominational links.

In 2009 the Prayer Breakfast will take place on Thursday, 7 May, arriving at 6:15am for a 6:45am start. The venue is the main auditorium of City Hall.

This year the guest speaker will be Revd Professor James Haire, Executive Director of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra and lecturer at Charles Sturt University. The theme is: “Reflecting on our past – considering our future”.

The format of a prayer breakfast is relatively unfamiliar to many people in QCT member churches. As well as having a guest speaker, prayers are said focusing on various topics of relevance to the City of Brisbane. It is a chance to meet people from churches about which we may know little.

A donation will be collected at the Prayer Breakfast. This year’s recipient is the HEAL programme of the Milpera State High School. Many children of refugee families attend Milpera. The HEAL programme addresses the traumas they have suffered, helping them to overcome these by way of art and music therapy, counselling and other measures.

If you are interested in attending the Prayer Breakfast and are affiliated with one of the following churches, you should contact the main office of that church: Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, Salvation Army, Uniting Church.

If you belong to one of the other member churches of QCT or simply want to know more, contact QCT: phone 07 3369 6792 or click here to email:


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