IN AN ATTEMPT to make Church leadership more aware of issues affecting young people, in the lead up to ncyc11 each Synod’s Moderator will be mentored by three to five young people as they discuss issues important to them in life, faith and the Uniting Church.
The mentors and Moderators will meet monthly and will share the insights they gain over that time during panel discussions at ncyc11 on the Gold Coast at the end of this year.
Alison Cox, ncyc11 coordinator, said the program aims to show the young people of the Uniting Church that they are valued and important in contributing to the Church.
“I’m hoping the mentors will feel truly valued and that the Moderators will gain insight into the lives of young people and be able to encourage them,” she said.
“We always talk about wanting young people in our churches and being keen to have them as part of it, but sometimes it seems we don’t know how to show that or express that in a way that is meaningful,” said Ms Cox.
“A mentor relationship is more about the relationship than the topics discussed.”
“I’m hoping a meaningful relationship will be established where there is a ready trust and honesty and willingness to have a shared experience together.”
Victoria and Tasmania Synod Moderator Isabel Thomas Dobson places importance in the program as it provides a place for the Moderator and young person to have an open and frank conversation.
“People come from all different church backgrounds and because of the different backgrounds, people’s experiences of church all differ,” said Ms Thomas Dobson.
“It’s important for the Moderator to be aware of the things occurring in the Church.
“It’s also good to hear from the next generation as to how they experience life in the Uniting Church.”
As small group’s coordinator of the last NCYC, Ms Thomas Dobson had first-hand experience of the importance of interacting with young people.
“I really saw the benefit of having a group of all ages come together and I’m looking forward to meeting with a group of mentors before and after the Convention,” she said.
Photo : Victoria and Tasmania Synod Moderator Isabel Thomas Dobson. Photo courtesy of Crosslight