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Moggill women seize the day

Women Today icebreaker at Moggill Uniting Church, Brisbane. Photo courtesy of Bernadette Draffin

FRIENDSHIP, fun and a warm welcome to all were what Moggill Uniting Church, in Brisbane's west, had in mind when they launched Women Today in April this year.

Facilitator Iris Marais explains that Women Today is based on the four Cs: Christianity, connection, creativity and celebration.

Women Today-ers enjoy evenings of supper and entertainment with guest speakers on a monthly theme.

"I also arrange a prize giveaway each month. And every Women Today event is different."

Ms Marais said the success of Women Today wouldn't be possible without her large team of event volunteers.

"But I still need more volunteers. The duties are increasing along with the number of attendees, which is now more than 50.

"It's an event that I hope will help women see Christianity as fun, relevant and uplifting, but women who are not Christian will always have a place at Women Today.

"I hope that women from all walks of life will develop new friendships that will enrich their lives and support them throughout their life journey."

To join the fun, contact Iris Marais on 3108 8114 or 0432 067 227 or at iris@irisconsult.com.au, and visit moggill.unitingchurch.org.au.

Photo : Women Today icebreaker at Moggill Uniting Church, Brisbane. Photo courtesy of Bernadette Draffin