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Special treat for Home Hill kids

Photo courtesy of Paul Clark

HOME HILL Combined Church Kids Club members in Burdekin, North Queensland, were treated to a special guest in June – the Stig.

The Stig is the name given to the racing driver on the BBC program Top Gear.

Burdekin’s the Stig was a guest for the final week of the four-week Kids Club that focused on cars. He was there to judge the racing of model cars which the children had made.

Burdekin Uniting Church minister Rev Paul Clarke said the Stig did a great job pointing to the winners and signing “no” when people asked if they could have his autograph.

The Home Hill Kids Club runs for four weeks each term and is a combined effort of the Uniting, Anglican and Presbyterian churches – none of which have enough leaders to run their own club. It has a four-week theme and rotates venues including using the local school with help from the Scripture Union chaplain from the Baptist Church.

A real ecumenical endeavour, the Kids Club is a way to reach out for three small churches that have very few families attending and mainly older members.

“We didn’t want to give up on reaching the next generation,” said Mr Clark.

“So we did what we could, something manageable. So far so good.”

Photo : Photo courtesy of Paul Clark