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The Doodsons are back

Doug and Lyn Doodson have recently returned to Queensland after several years as People in Mission volunteers in Salamo, Milne Bay, PNG.  People in Mission is a program of Uniting International Mission, the Uniting Church in Australia’s work which shares in the life and mission of Partner Churches particularly in Asia and the Pacific.

While glad to be back in Queensland with family and friends, Doug and Lyn left PNG with mixed emotions. “It was very sad leaving Salamo and all of the beautiful people of Milne Bay,” said Lyn. “Our love and prayers remain however, and we will always be ‘one in spirit’ with our many Papuan friends.

The Doodsons said their time in Milne Bay was an amazing two and a half years of blessings and frustrations, joys and sorrows. “A time where we learned to rely more on our heavenly Father, and a time where we grew closer together as a couple. A time where we learned to appreciate and understand something more of the rich cultural and spiritual depth of Papuan Christians.”

They found PNG to be a wonderful country with great people, and are confident that the work they began can grow and succeed. Doug had serviced as General Manager of PIRE (Papuan Islands Regional Enterprises).  “Even though ‘business concepts’ are not easily understood by the average person, there are more and more who do see the vision of PIRE being a very real benefit to the community at large.”

After Lyn has undergone a total hip replacement, the Doodsons will be travelling and available to share their story with groups who are interested in the Papuan Islands work. “As always, we are eternally grateful for your support, encouragement, love and prayers. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

People in Mission provides an opportunity for Christians aged 18 years or more to be immersed in the life and mission of the Uniting Church’s Partner Churches and church agencies in many parts of the world. People in Mission programs offer an opportunity for participants to put faith into action and live simply, and to serve others.

For more information contact People in Mission coordinator Sandy Boyce on 08 8236 4240. Fax: 08 8227 0470, Email: sandy@sa.uca.org.au. Web: uim.uca.org.au.