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Vale Marguerite Chapman

 Marguerite Chapman – a gracious woman of God

I am sure that many of you will be aware that Marguerite Chapman died last Saturday (9th May). Her life and her faith were celebrated at a funeral service in Ayr on Tuesday.

Marguerite was a gracious Christian woman whose faith and life touched many people both in her home towns of Brandon and Ayr and in the wider Presbytery and Synod. Many will remember how Marguerite was an active, thoughtful and wise representative to Presbytery and Synod for well over 30 years.

Her contribution was never verbose but it was always considered and wise. It was certainly a privilege to have shared many a meeting and conversation with Marguerite.

Her knowledge of the history of the church in North Queensland and in the Burdekin was second to none but she was never one to boast about that. Her hands were always busy as was her heart.

Her pastoral gifts were strongly evident. Her pastoral care was evident in all that she did and all that she was. In her working life at the Delta Iron Works, in her preaching and leading of worship, in her work in the Burdekin church office, in her attendance in the meetings of the church – Marguerite was a pastor.

She knew and lived out the meaning of the first line of Psalm 23 throughout her life. “The Lord was truly her shepherd”. She introduced many to her loving, caring shepherd, Jesus.

Now Marguerite also knows know the truth of the last line of that same psalm and is “dwell(ing) in the house of the Lord forever.”

At her funeral service Paul Clark very correctly reminded us that Marguerite would want us not to talk about her and her gifts but to talk about Jesus and his gifts to her and to us.

We will take note of your word to us –”let’s talk about Jesus”. Well done good and faithful servant.