Journey has put together a few suggestions to mark World Kindness Day on 13 November in your church community. Visit us on Facebook to add your own ideas for random acts of kindness.
Clean out the church fridge
You will need a strong stomach, a calm disposition, and rubber gloves. Open the door, descend into a gentle squat (avoid locking the knee joints) and fully extend arms. Do not inhale. Place items carefully into a plastic bag and seal. Remove old notices from the door and replace with your own set of rules. Add a smiley face.
Sort out the storage cupboards
Again, this job should be approached with caution as items such as self-published memoirs and Christmas decorations are often stored on the uppermost shelves. We recommend performing this act of kindness with the discretion of the poor widow tossing her last mite into the collection box, as throwing out items may cause discord. Beware of crawly things in dark corners.
Don’t eat the biscuits
We know that the supper roster comes around too quickly, but the arbitrary redistribution of property according to need is quite properly frowned upon when it comes to church biscuits. If you must dip into another group’s supplies, a truly kind person would replace the arrowroot biscuits you ate with some decent shortbread creams.
Sing along, even when you hate the music
Surely even the saints struggle with this expression of Christian unity, but try to remember that someone in your congregation actually chose this hymn for specific reasons, however misguided. And believe it or not, a musician spent time writing this song, so give it a shot. If all else fails, simply move your lips slightly and look upwards, as though transported by musical bliss.
Don’t talk to anyone you know
This Sunday, break away from your normal clique and chat to people you don’t know well or at all. And while you’re at it, take time to listen to people who are grumpy or just plain sad. Giving time is one of the greatest acts of kindness.
Share the load
Offer a lift to someone who needs a ride to church and back. Cook a meal for a family who are going through a tough time. Small things can make a world of difference.
Hand out Journey
We hope you do this anyway. The Uniting Church is a community centered on sharing stories of faith, hope and courage, so help us spread the word.
Far too much emphasis is often placed on providing sweet cakes and fancy biscuits with tea /coffee at church. We do not attend church to be fed. This is Australia not a 3rd world country where the congregation may never see sweet treats.. Providing tea / coffee/fruit juice and plain biscuits is sufficient to encourage friendly social conversation at church. It is up to each and every one of us to be kind and welcoming in our approach to others. Cakes etc.should be saved the celebrate special events.
Australia has a serious problem with obesity You only have to spend time in our hospital transit lounges to see the very disastrous and tragic consequences of obesity, often staring form a very young age.
Providing meals to those who are doing it tough or have temporary health issues or have just had a new addition to their family, is a lovely practical way to show that the church family care.