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A pastoral letter from Assembly President Rev Alistair Macrae

Dear friends,

In response to the devastation caused by the flooding in Queensland, a National Appeal has been launched by the Assembly in co-operation with the Queensland Synod and Lifeline Queensland to enable the UCA to play its part in the care and recovery of affected communities, families and individuals.

UCA members have always shown extraordinary generosity in supporting our fellow Australians. The amazing national UCA response to the bushfires in Victoria last summer remains fresh in my memory.

If you would like to donate you can do so by going to


or over the telephone (07) 3250 1840.

Cheques can be sent to:

Uniting Church Flood Appeal
C/o- Lifeline Community Care Queensland
PO Box 491
Fortitude Valley
QLD 4006

All donations over $2 are tax deductable.

I have also encouraged congregations to support the Appeal by holding a retiring offering in the next few weeks.

The proceeds of all monies raised through the appeal will be used by the church to:
• provide emergency assistance to flood affected victims who have missed out on the immediate help they need;
• provide for longer-term pastoral support, rehabilitation and recovery programs for individuals, families and communities devastated by floods.

The Uniting Church has developed expertise over many years in responding to community needs in times of crisis in both the short and longer term. Sending in teams of trained ministers and counsellors into the traumatised communities at a time when other assistance is dropping off has been a very effective contribution. Following that up by providing longer-term support, sometimes by appointing a counsellor to be present in an affected community for months or even years later, has also proved to be of enormous help.

The Synod of Queensland is already working for the immediate assistance of victims and is planning for its long-term role. The Assembly has donated $50,000.00 from our Disaster Relief Fund to assist this important work.

I ask also that we join together to pray that further losses from these disastrous floods will be minimal; that those directly affected and those with families affected are able to quickly restore stability in their lives; for emergency services personnel and for those with other heavy tasks and responsibilities in the response effort; and for our church members to generously support the Appeal.

Yours sincerely in Christ’s name,

Rev Alistair Macrae

P.S. You can follow updates on the progress of the appeal on Twitter and Facebook.