IT IS TEMPTING to stand outside the Together on the way process; to be cynical and negative.
What will it achieve anyway?
For me active participation in a process like Together on the way, enriching community achieves a great deal.
I expect together we will learn something about God and God’s purposes for the world and its people.
I expect together we will learn something about the church, the good news we are commissioned to share and the context in which we are called to tell it.
I do not want to miss out on an opportunity to come before God, together with my brothers and sisters in Christ, to listen, pray, think and act in response to God’s call to mission.
Join me and all who choose to engage in this process with the expectation that God will speak and direct our path.
Let’s discover where God is leading us with the sure knowledge that, as we seek to see more clearly the road ahead, God has promised the company of the Spirit so we do not lose the way.