FOR THE past few months we here in the Communication Services Unit and other Synod departments have been working on how we can be a more effective, productive and creative team for the church we serve.
It is part of the Together on the way, enriching community journey and our part of the Church’s goal for developing sustainable and mission oriented organisation for the Church in Queensland.
We called it a re-imagining process because a lot of it is about being creative in our thinking and allowing people the space and time to produce innovate and useful communications tools for the whole Church.
Plus, “re-imagining” sounds like much more fun than “review”.
It is funny that words hold such connotations.
They too are embedded in the context we put them in.
Which leads me to the theme for this month – the power of the mind.
We wanted to explore different aspects of how our minds, the way we think and see the world, shape us.
We also wanted to look at the importance of mental health.
Albert Einstein said, “Before God we are all equally wise and equally foolish”.
He also said that insanity was doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
Many people may look at the Together on the way, enriching community journey and see the multitude of reviews and reports that have gone before.
This isn’t just a review for its own sake.
Some major things need to change if the Uniting Church in Queensland is going to survive.
The question is, how can we ensure that this journey is not just doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
How are we going to change it?
What are we going to do to make sure the result reflects our 2020 Vision for the Church in Queensland.
To see the 2020 Vision visit