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Favourite Saints

JOURNEY ASKED people to name a favourite saint or hero.

George MacLeod, the founder of Iona Community (1938), became a campaigner for nuclear disarmament. His life story continues to inspire my commitment to holistic worship, social justice and ecumenism.
Duncan Macleod,
Vision for Mission Advocate

Padre Meraj Masihi who in the late 70s and early 80s was pastor to the small Christian communities living in the slums of Lahore. Meraj showed me that compassion, generosity and hospitality were intrinsic to Christian discipleship.
Geoff Thompson,
Trinity Theological College

Mr Bush, a gentle and kind man, the superintendent of our Booval Presbyterian Sunday School when I was a child, a railway blacksmith, to whom I owe so much of my faith.
Alan Renton,
Magnetic Island

Hildegard von Bingen. I visited Hildegard Praxis at Lake Constance (Germany) to learn about her life and teachings. That experience changed my life.
Hildegard Malik,

Captain David Rogerson (Salvation Army) brought me back to the ways of the Lord after many years of drug and alcohol abuse. I now live a drug and alcohol free life, thanking God daily.
Gary Booth,
Magnetic Island

Val Freeman, a member of my congregation, is a hero for her courage in carrying the burden of a severe physical disability without complaint and a saint for her constant and inspirational faithfulness.
Val Davies,