WHEN I was a child I was fascinated by the kaleidoscope I was given for my fourth birthday – the endless colours, shapes, light and reflections as the scope rolled around.
Every time it was turned the patterns were completely different and equally beautiful.
I have had the challenge and pleasure of working for and being part of the wider Uniting Church for over 25 years.
Our church has so many faces within the community each one seeking to explore its call to mission in its community.
One of my personal calls to mission is described simply by the Prophet Micah when he asks “and what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
Sometimes our church has a tendency to focus on what we were, where we have come from or what we were like 35 years ago.
We need to reflect on the past and plan for the future but also tell the many enriching and life giving stories of who the
Uniting Church is in 2012.
Our people, our congregations, child care centres, family day care, schools, colleges, UnitingCare with its vast array of caring and compassionate services, Wesley Missions and other congregationally supported mission organisations, our
Church leaders who speak into public life for a fairer and compassionate Australia – I have seen so many colourful
and creative ways that our church is already living out our Vision 2020.
This edition of Journey is based on the theme of working side by side and also on belonging.
As you will see in the stories on these pages, both concepts are at the heart of what it means to be part of the Uniting Church.
Something I value about belonging to the Uniting Church is that we are so diverse in how we respond to God’s calling as individuals and as a church.
Something that I value even more is when we partner with each other, as we often do, and use our diversity to achieve more together than we ever could alone.
This is one of the most special and rewarding parts of belonging to our Uniting Church.