Home > Opinion > If God loves me the way I am, then why do I have to get dressed up for church?

If God loves me the way I am, then why do I have to get dressed up for church?

WHEN I was younger, before I was married, I used to think that for a girl to love me she would have to take me as I am –
uncombed hair, shower once a week, stained clothes and picky eating habits.

If a girl really loved me, she would look past these surface issues and see the real me.

Fortunately, I realised that if I was to love a girl, I would consider what she thought.

My wife loves me even when I don’t shower – but I show my love for her (and others) by showering regularly!

I think my youthful slothful behaviour also revealed something about my own lack of respect for myself.

In the same way, you never have to get dressed up for God.

Dressing up can be a way to demonstrate your love for God, but it is certainly never a sign of your godliness, or that you are
better than others.

Remember, while living with your parents things are easier if you do what they want.

I pray people will consider you by your character, not the cut of your cloth.

A passage worth reading with your parents is Matthew 22:1-14.

This year Journey will feature this column of fabulous questions from the mouths of babes. If you have heard a great questionfrom a young person, please send it to journey@ucaqld.com.au