INITIALLY I dreamed of churches filled with worshipping families, that all generations may know the joy and the reality of Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
Times change, structures and strategies change, we change and communities change, but God is our constant.
I hope that the Uniting Church in Australia embraces these changes, seeing them as opportunities to listen and discern God’s purpose differently, seek his vision and plan, remain relevant and committed to a practical Biblical vision.
I am grateful to be part of a church that stands strongly for social justice. May this become stronger, as needs become greater.
I hope also that we never lose sight of God’s mission in the world to “make disciples” and to “be witnesses”.
This is often caught not taught, but our spiritual disciplines and good leadership training are vital preparation to help follow God’s call.
May we never discount the importance of good communication, trustworthy relationships and the untapped potential and vision of youth in the Church and beyond.
I hope, as we see beyond ourselves through praise, worship, prayer, service and love, we live passionately for the kingdom of God and the nature and lifestyle of Jesus.
We then may discern God’s purpose in doing justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with him.
Anne Brown is a Lay Preacher in the Longreach Congregation and has a passion for listening to people’s stories. Photo by Andrew Brown
Photo : Anne Brown. Photo by Andrew Brown