WHO INSPIRES me? My grandmother who died when I was 18. She was a strong, gentle woman who had a close circle of friends and was deeply involved in her Church and community; one of my first role models of an independent woman.
It was Kierkegaard who said that life must be lived forward but it can only be understood backwards. Looking back I know I gravitate to those who catalyse people to act and who compel me to consider new ways of thinking about issues.
I was lucky to be at university at a time of activism – Vietnam, the Springboks, corruption in Queensland’s public life; so many campaigns. I love to learn from people who challenge the status quo, who are open to new ways and who inspire others to look beyond limitations.
As a young professional learning from those people who fought for and pioneered de-institutionalisation – those courageous families and committed professionals inspired me to reject prevailing life limiting views about children ‘in care’ and people with disabilities.
I know now that life has no smooth path for any of us and I am inspired by ordinary people who simply do the very best they can.
I am inspired by those who have taught me the inestimable power of intention; applying focus, imagination, solid methodology and staying power to solve real problems that confront ordinary people and communities.
People who imagine better for their families, their communities, our country, and the world and who are open to learning inspire me and help me dream. And I am in awe of those who make dreams come true!
Anne Cross is the CEO of UnitingCare Queensland