Home > Opinion > Journey asks Beth Baker – What does church look like in your neck of the woods?

Journey asks Beth Baker – What does church look like in your neck of the woods?

AS WE ARE a very small congregation we have learnt to work in what we call a “community within a community”.

The different groups who use our facilities feel a sense of belonging and of community.

The making of a community within a community has been a slow process and is still very much in its infancy.

Through phone conversations and visits from different people within the wider church we were shown what a great asset we have here.

The patchwork group was already meeting and have just celebrated 25 years with a lovely display (pictured left) for a weekend in the church building.

Other groups that now meet there are Jellybabies playgroup and Triple B Line Dancers meeting a couple of times a week, as do the Patchworkers.

A local Indigenous women’s group and justice group meets fortnightly and spend the whole day there.

A jewellery making workshop is held once a month. A Disability Services Carers group and Mental Health have both used our church for groups.

We are better able to reach into the Blackwater community because of the way we have reached into ourselves.

It is great to outreach in this way. It’s not just about being Christ to others, but seeing Christ in every person we meet and work with.

In the words of Kev Carmody: “From little things, big things grow.”

Beth Baker is a member of Blackwater Uniting Church and was awarded a Moderator’s Medal this year for her respect of others, particularly her work with Indigenous people in her community.