CREATION HAS an apparent randomness.
Some people I meet demonstrate this more than others.
If I were the creator there would have been a lot more straight lines involved.
There is a natural tendency to seek methods and procedures that bring order.
I feel more control when there is order in my life. Yet I find fulfilment when I give control to my creator.
This often leads to a time of uncertainty and, as a scientist, this can be disconcerting. Facts and data bring comfort. Yet prayer brings comfort and friends – cups of coffee are useful too.
As I look at the world as a scientist I see that even in decay there is order. All chemicals react and decay in an ordered way. I believe there is a pattern to our world.
The natural order points to a creator who is active at many levels and has left many special signposts to point to his presence.
The order of creation is just one of them. Spiritual renewal comes from the creator.
Eric Woodrow is a microbiologist in the food technology industry and worships at Indooroopilly
Uniting Church