WE were brought up to do things for other people, to work and care for others.
We were told to go out and serve, so for me volunteer work is a natural part of life.
During the 35 years I was a volunteer with the Blue Nursing Ladies Auxiliary, we raised a lot of money (more than one million dollars in the last 10 years up until it was disbanded more than three years ago) which was used to buy much needed, expensive equipment and services for retirement villages, Blue Care clients in the community and respite care.
The money was raised through a lot of devotion and hours of people's time so it was important and indeed our responsibility to make sure it was used wisely.
Since the auxiliary disbanded, we are still great friends and are there to support one another now that we are at the stage of life when we are succumbing to illness – the circle has gone round.
Photo : Pam Woodhouse is a member of Southport Uniting Church and was a recipient of the 2008 Moderators Community Service Medal, pictured with Rev Bruce Johnson