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Valuing the gifts of people

I KNOW I have said it before but I am not much of a gift-giver.

Don’t get me wrong, I love thinking about and finding a really special gift for someone one I know they will love.

But I usually fall down when it comes to getting them the gift in time for Christmas or their birthday.

So in this Christmas edition I wanted to explore the idea of gifts in another way.

I see my family, friends and colleagues as gifts.

They share their wisdom, friendship and love with me, challenge my perceptions and open my eyes to things I would not otherwise see.

I see the fact that we manage to get this paper out each month amongst all the other things we do in the Communication Services Unit as a miracle!

The whole Journey team is a gift to me.

I am very blessed to work with each one of them.

In this edition we focus on God-given gifts.

These are not just gifts that are given to us.

They require us to make a decision to accept them and work to refine them.

These are the gifts that are often overlooked in our society.

So often we celebrate the gifts of the highly intelligent, wealthy, powerful or famous.

How often do we celebrate the gifts that people with disabilities bring us?

How often do we celebrate the gifts of the Spirit?

In May, the Queensland Synod endorsed five Gospel Values: faithfulness, compassion, humility, truthfulness, and justice.

Imagine what a gift to our communities we would be if each church-goer, employee, and volunteer lived up to all five of those values?

That would be a truly great gift.