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What is church and what is worship?

Rev David Gill, 1985 Assembly General Secretary, statement to the 4th Assembly (1985)

A COMMUNITY defined by the miracle of grace.

Lose sight of that miracle … and you are left with boredom in worship, triviality in doctrine, self-righteous wowserism in
morality, self-justifying ideology in social ethics, piety that has no place for humour and churchmanship that is devoid of

What matters more than our grip on the miracle is that miracle’s much surer grip on us.

That is the church’s one foundation, and that is why we dare to look with confidence to the church’s renewal.

Chris Mundy, Albany Creek

CHURCH IS an “internet” of people who send to and receive each other and ultimately God.

It also reaches out to make new connections with others who are not linked in!

Amy Myers, Kallangur

WORSHIP TO me is more than Sunday Services.

It is a lifestyle.

It is a choice we make to live every day in service to Christ.

Church family are the fellow Christians we meet with to build relationships, care for each other, support one another, grow in faith together, learn together and most importantly praise God together for the good, the bad and the ugly.

Both I consider vital to life.

Tim Bennett, Brisbane

CHURCH IS a bunch of sinners who meet regularly.

There is another sinner called the pastor who helps the other sinners continually turn to God.

Fiona Garrett-Benson, Brisbane

FOR ME when church is working well it’s a community bound together by a belief and worship of Jesus Christ and following in his teachings.

Worship equals adoration, respect, praise and thankfulness for who Jesus Christ is and what he has done for us.

Rowan Longhurst, Petrie

WORSHIP IS a real want, a need to go somewhere (doesn’t even have to be a building) and praise the Lord.

Not every service has to be all singing and preaching.

Have a big meal together and share faith stories with one another.

Learn from other Christians.

See where they failed in their life but also where they got back up with Jesus.

Joanna Wiseman, Murrumba Downs


Bill Fowles, Narangba

CHURCH IS the place where faith and fear meet.

It is in me and in all our situations and relationships.

Feeling that “I am/we are the church” is a better aiming point than going to or belonging to the church.

Worship is being the right person in the right place doing the right things in the right spirit at the right time in right relationships.

Wendy Fender, Enoggera

CHURCH IS family – with all the diversity of personalities and view points that a family has.

Being church family brings commonality of belief in Jesus Christ, and purpose – serving him which should overarch or even overcome all our innate differences.

With this comes an underlying loyalty which means we care deeply and sacrificially for each other.

Mick Fanning, Sherwood