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Search Results for: worship

Hope, Songs of Faith and Inspiration

ABC Music 2012 Reviewed by Wendy Scott, Kenmore Uniting Church. There are only 5 reasons anyone would consider buying this music CD, any one of which would make it a worthwhile investment. 1. Proceeds from the sale go to World Vision. 2. The artists are the best in their field and appear to have given it their all. 3. The ...

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Resurrection optimism

The following is an excerpt of the address Rev Alistair Macrae, Uniting Church President from 2009 to July 2012, delivered to the 13th Assembly on Monday 16 July 2012. ALONG with the worldwide Christian Church we are in a time of fundamental transition, with all its challenges and opportunities. We should continue to ask what Christians have asked in every ...

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Carbon price

Agencies drive energy efficiency THE Queensland Synod is looking for better and smarter ways of reducing its carbon emissions. With the recent introduction of the carbon tax and two pieces of federal legislation, the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act and the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Act, UnitingCare Queensland and Wesley Mission Brisbane have been obliged to seek ways to reduce ...

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Youth lead the way at Kairos

KAIROS Uniting Church in Clayfield has started a monthly youth service led by young people on the last Sunday of every month at 10am. "It is awesome to be able to express my faith by singing and playing the guitar", said Brianna, who plays guitar and leads the singing. Paris, who plays piano and acts, and Dominique, who sings, reads ...

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Thirteenth triennial Assembly in Adelaide

PEOPLE who have no business to be together will gather for the 13th triennial Assembly meeting of the Uniting Church in Australia in Adelaide from 15 to 21 July. This unsettling image of Christian community is one proposed by President-elect the Rev Professor Andrew Dutney during an interview about the Assembly theme, Life Overflowing. The church is a sign and ...

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Life Overflowing: To have life, and have it abundantly

JESUS said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly." John 10.10 is a favourite verse for many people, including me. I went to it for a theme for the three years of this Assembly. The verse is translated in different ways. In addition to the NRSV version that I just used, the NIV has it ...

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Journey asks Gwen Rowe: How do you enrich your community?

FOR me, stewardship with regard to people is simply based on the song If I can help somebody. The lyrics say: "If I can help somebody as I pass along … then my living will not be in vain." Stewardship of the earth is not difficult as God's beautiful creation is all around us. That reminds me of other songs: ...

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Journey asks Anne Jeays: How do you enrich your community?

WE were a small part of an ecumenical team that worked together to keep the heritage-listed Mt Mee Church as a community resource. It was built in 1922 by the Mount Mee community with donated land, materials and labour. By 1985 the church was in danger of becoming a ruin and the grounds were unfenced and untended. It was important ...

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Coming of age

“PEOPLE of the Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches have united. A new church has been born.” It was with these words 35 years ago that the Uniting Church in Australia was created. To celebrate, the church issued a Statement to the Nation that spoke of the importance of every human being, the proclamation of truth and justice, and our responsibility ...

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